Making time for exercise as a mom of two
Making Time for Exercise as a Mom
I want to lose weight and get fit, but how am I supposed to do this with toddlers running around?! If you find yourself with this dilemma, you are in the right place. This is the struggle for every mom with the best of fitness intentions. You’ve done your research, decided what foods to incorporate into your diet, and have a fitness plan. But what to do with the tiny humans who may or may not try to get themselves killed if you turn 30 minutes of your attention to your health and fitness? Here are my top 15 ideas for making time for exercise as a busy toddler mom that helped me lose nearly 40 pounds postpartum.
Wake up before the kids
I know what you’re thinking…. NEXT! My kids wake up at 6am, there is no way I am getting up any earlier than that. To that I say, how bad do you want it baby? One way or another, you do need to prioritize your health in order for this to work. However, I’m kinda with you on this one. I’ve woken up at 5am so that I could get a work out in, drink a smoothie, and drop my daughter off at my mom’s before heading off to work. It’s not ideal, it’s exhausting, but man are the results addictive.
Get your littles involved
Another option is to get your kids moving with you. This is a great option if you aren’t interested in waking up early and would like to use your free time for other things, like washing those dishes that have been piling up for longer than you’d care to admit. My kids are always very excited to exercise with Mommy. Roll out the yoga mat and let them bounce all around you. Yes, they do get in the way a little bit, but something is better than nothing! There are lots of kid-friendly workouts on youtube.
Nap Time, Fitness Time
Oh nap time, you glorious, built-in mommy break. Sigh. Nap time is sacred. I’m extending nap time for as long as possible at our house. Frankly, I don’t know what I’ll do without it. This is my absolute favorite time to exercise. I usually put on a 30-minute youtube video, and then I have the remaining hour and a half of nap time to do clean up, blog, read, whatever my worn-out momma heart desires. 30 minutes really goes by quickly and does not eat up the entirety of nap time. To me, it’s totally worth it.
Break out the Stroller
Double stroller for the ultimate hot mom walk.
We love a hot mom walk, ladies. We have a double stroller, we call it The Limo because yes, it is that big. When I’m on my own for a walk, I push my kiddos around the block in the Limo. That’s around 60 extra pounds I’m pushing around for 30 minutes. Talk about strength training. You are going to feel like supermom doing this, I guarantee it. However, I do appreciate a walking buddy. Getting exercise and some adult interaction?! Sign me up! My Mom is my go to walk buddy. It’s one of the only times we can actually have a conversation with each other where the kids aren’t demanding all of “Lolli’s” attention. It’s truly a beautiful time, and I absolutely recommend a walking buddy. This could be your mom, your mother-in-law, your sister, your brother, your bestie, your husband… Whoever you pick, bonus points for exercise and good conversation.
Strap on the Baby Carrier
The baby carrier is a great option for hands-free activity, especially when your kiddo is going through a particularly clingy phase. There are plenty of upright exercises you can do wearing a baby. Just be aware that there is a little human strapped to you. This means any exercise should be low impact. Baby wearing means you’re carrying around extra weight, causing you to burn more calories even doing your day-to-day activities. You get some fitness points and baby is happily right up in your personal space. It’s a win for everyone!
Dance Momma Dance
Dance with the kiddos, dance while you cook, dance while you fold laundry, dance while you vaccuum… In the words of one Lady Gaga, “Just Dance.”
Run Laps
My children are absolutely wild. One of their favorite things to do is to run laps around their play room. They place a large toy in the middle of the floor, ask me to play some music (Usually the Encanto Soundtrack), and run in circles endlessly. I decided I should join them and boy do I get out of breath fast. Watching my kids’ physical activity level has actually been really inspiring. They are constantly moving those little bodies and doing so off the energy provided by one piece of shredded cheese. It’s miraculous.
Make Daily Movements Count
Let’s face it, being a mom is physical labor. We are constantly in motion. Make those movements count! Play hard with your kids. Lift those heavy laundry baskets. Put some elbow grease into cleaning that counter. Squat to pick up the thousands of toys on the floor. I mean think about it, that’s thousands of squats. It may not feel like it, but these things really do add up!
Yard Work
It’s 2023 ladies. The yard work is not just for the men! I love to mow the lawn. You know why? Because I burn upwards of 350 calories doing it, and I get to be outside. This is especially awesome if you have a fenced in yard. The kiddos can play safely while you work outside, improving your home’s landscaping and working out that sexy mom physique.
Utilize your Partner
Have your partner spend some time with the kids while you head out to the gym. You don’t need to have a gym membership to get fit, but some people like that option. Your partner can stay with the kids while you take a much deserved trip to the gym to move and appreciate your body. You could also use this time to walk on your own or simply head into another room in the house to do an exercise video in peace.
Wait until Bedtime
If your day is jam-packed, you can turn to bedtime as your personal fitness time. The kids are all tucked in for the night, and it is time to get your sweat on. Sometimes my husband will head out to the gym, and I will turn on a video or ride my stationary bike while catching up on my latest Netflix binge series. Oftentimes, I find myself exhausted at this point in the day. However, sometimes it is the only time I have so I use it. Riding the stationary bike is probably my favorite option for this time of day.
Short Workouts Add Up
If you don’t want to dedicate 30 minutes all at once, 10 minute increments can be just as effective. Do 10 minutes in the morning before the kids wake up, 10 minutes at nap time, and 10 minutes after tucking the kids in for the night. BAM, you’ve got your 30 minutes, and really it felt like nothin’! With this method, you don’t need to wake up too early and get plenty of free time at nap and bedtime.
Date Night
Forget dinner and a movie, get physical with your partner! Not like that you dirty-minded lady. Though I suppose that’s not the worst option… Hey, the kids got here somehow, didn’t they? In all seriousness, my husband and I love going to the gym together, riding our bikes, or going for hikes! These are some of the best dates we have had. 10/10 recommend including your partner on your fitness journey.
Family Exercise
Dad biking with kids in trailer.
This last one is one of my favorites. I love family outings, and I especially love when we are able to do something physical together. Getting out of the house is vital for me, so why not get some family exercise? Go for a hike. Find a nice bike trail. Find a scenic path to walk. Go to a trampoline park. The possibilities are truly endless, and your kids will love it! You can move your body and make cherished memories with your little family. I can’t imagine much better than that.
Now that you have some ideas, get out there and work that bod! I believe in you! Your fitness journey is your own, and I know that you’ve got this! Motherhood is busy, exhausting fun. If you can make some time to prioritize you, you will see amazing results. You will feel so strong, so empowered, and so proud. You’ve got this, momma!