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Ice Cream Waffles: The Ultimate Lazy Mom Meal

If you’re looking for a nourishing, healthy meal for your children, this is the wrong place for you. So sorry, slide on over to the next blog. We are going to be talking about the easiest, laziest, potentially unhealthiest meal you can serve up tonight. The fact is, your kids are going to love it. They are going to clean their plates. You can send them to bed knowing, hey at least they’re not hungry.

This is a Mom Blog so, let’s just be real, Mom’s get sick of cooking dinner. Every single night we are coming up with a recipe and cooking dinner. Then, half the time our kids only take 3 bites (or worse—none). On a night when I’m sick of cooking, exhausted from a day of keeping little ones from inflicting serious harm upon themselves, and looking for something quick that I know my kids will eat, I will serve just about anything.

We’ve all heard of breakfast for dinner. Who doesn’t love that?! I could have breakfast for dinner every night, and you’d likely never hear me complain. I’m going to do you one better though…. Why not have breakfast and dessert for dinner? Let’s just throw all the rules out the window! I don’t think food should really have rules anyway.

How to Make Ice Cream Waffles

Ice Cream Waffles, designed by my 3-year old

Momma, if you want to get a little crazy, go ahead and whip up some waffles using your favorite recipe. I’m trying to be my absolute laziest self tonight, so we are going to toast some Ego waffles. Pop a waffle on your kids’ plates. Next, pull the ice cream out of the freezer. Measure with your heart girl. Scoop that ice cream onto the waffles. Get out all kinds of toppings— whatever you have in your house will do. Lay it all out on the table, and then let your kids go crazy and load those bad boys up. It’s unthinkable. It’s a little gross. It’s breaking every rule in the book. It kind of reminds me of the movie, Elf. So let’s do it.

Ice Cream Waffle Ingredients

Serves 4

  • 4 Ego Waffles I’m using Ego waffles because today I am accepting that I am trash. All the power to ya if you want to make your own waffles.

  • Your Favorite Flavor Ice Cream Pick your poison. Chocolate? Vanilla? Cookie Dough? My girls chose cotton candy. I mean we are talking about dessert for dinner so why the heck not? (If you want to be a tiny bit healthier you can swap the ice cream with yogurt—Still a very easy dinner!)

  • Toppings The limit as to what counts as a topping does not exist, but here are some ideas to get you started. This is the fun part!

    • Sprinkles

    • Whipped Cream

    • Chocolate Chips

    • M&Ms

    • Maple Syrup

    • Chocolate Syrup

    • Caramel Sauce

    • Strawberry Syrup

    • Strawberries

    • Blueberries

    • Raspberries

    • Banana

    • Cherries

Of course, your kids are going to love this. They are going to be in utter disbelief when you tell them that this is what’s for dinner. They’re going to hold hands and skip around in a circle singing your praise. I still remember when my mother told us we would be having this very meal. It is one of the greatest memories of my childhood. It’s not something I’m even sure happened more than twice. Obviously, we can’t do this very often. Nutrition is important. However, some times we need to recognize when we need a break. Sometimes, we need to have dessert for dinner.

That’s it, Momma! You’re done. No measurements, no cook time. Sit back and relax because tonight, we are not stressing about dinner. Let’s be human, together.

If you try this recipe out, let us know how your kids (Or better yet, your husband) react in the comments!