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How to Build A Fairy House with Your Kids

If you saw our post about summer activities for kids, you may be wondering: What is a Fairy House, and how do I make one with my kids? This post is going to answer those questions and help you build a beautiful fairy house of your own. Your kids are going to just adore doing this with you. This is core memory material. They are going to look back so fondly on these special moments, building fairy houses with their mom. For them, it is magical. For you, they are the magic. Your kids awaken the wonder in you while they help you find ways to create the perfect home for these invisible visitors. Building a fairy house is truly a beautiful experience for all.

What is a Fairy House?

Our summer 2023 Fairy House

So what exactly is a fairy house anyway? A fairy house is an adorable yard decoration that you make with materials from your very own yard. If you have the time you can gather materials from other areas in nature, such as when you are on a hike or at a park or the beach. (As long as these places allow for taking things from the property.) A fairy house can be made from anything in nature.

They key is that you don’t want to kill any living plants in the process. The idea is to make whimsical homes that would appeal to fairies. Fairies are lovers of nature and the beauty therein. You don’t want to upset them by destroying nature just for the sake of building a cute little house. Fairies inspire our children to be lovers of nature themselves, to be respectful of all living things. The beauty around us is meant to be enjoyed, not destroyed.

Children become completely enthralled in the idea of the fairies and want to give them a house that they will love. They are so motivated to do a job well done. My daughter worked so hard on our fairy house and continues to work on it when we go outside. The fairy house is ever changing.

Since fairy houses are outside, they are exposed to the elements. This means that, like any house really, they require a lot of maintenance. It is important to let your child know, especially if she is extra sentimental like mine, that the fairy house will need fixing here and there. You don’t want her to be completely crushed if you venture outside one day and the whole thing is blown over.

A Base for your Fairy House

You will need to find a good place to begin. I recommend finding some kind of base. This might be a tree stump, a hollowed out hole in a tree, a stone, a fallen tree, a hole in a stone wall. Once you start looking, you are going to see potential for a fairy house all over your yard. Once you try it, you may wind up with countless fairy houses on your property, and an equal amount of irreplaceable memories made with your little ones. Whatever you do, try and find a base that is relatively sturdy if you want your fairy house to stand up against the elements.

Materials for a Fairy House

Use materials from around your yard for your Fairy House

There are so many possibilities for fairy house materials, but I am going to create a list to get you started:

  • Flower Petals

  • Twigs

  • Leaves

  • Moss

  • Mushrooms

  • Vines

  • Tree Bark

  • Flower Buds

  • Wild Berries

  • Weeds

  • Grass

  • Stones

  • Acorns

  • Crab Apples

  • Butternuts

  • Hay

  • Sea Shells

  • Sand Dollars

  • Sea Glass

Fairy House Contruction

My daughter putting her heart and soul into the fairy house

You can construct your fairy house in one of two ways. You can either gather all of your materials and then proceed to build your adorable fairy house, or you can build as you go, finding more and more materials to add. We tend to do the later. We can’t wait to get building and just let our imaginative creativity flow into building a unique and fun fairy house. No two fairy houses are the same and that is the beauty of this activity. It is never the same. You make new memories and come up with new ideas as you create with your children. You learn different lessons and uncover different things you appreciate about the world around you. In this world of screens, fairy house construction is truly a breath of fresh air. It is remarkable to see how well our kids fit into the natural world around them. It’s almost as if it were meant to be this way. Just us and the entertainment God planted all around us.

Build Your Fairy House

Now you know what a fairy house is and how simple it is to make one. There’s nothing to hold you back! With fairy houses, there is no mess. Nothing to clean up afterwards. This activity is a win for both you and your kids. They are going to keep busy with this for quite some time, and you will have absolutely no mess to fight with before heading back inside for dinner. There’s nothing stopping you! You already have everything you need at your disposal, it’s just right outside your door.

If you build a fairy house with your kids, feel free to share how it came out in the comments! We would love to hear about it!